She might always be that weird girl who has fallen from a distant star who doesn’t know half of the endless rules
“It was a crazy idea. I’d decided I’d prove that I’m an actress. But I’m not. I’ve never been one, and, what’s more, I never had any desire to be one. So what, exactly, did I think I could prove?”
“I have called you here today to read to you a letter written by the owner of this company, a man by the name of Mr. Irving Greenbaum”
It was one o’clock now, I hadn’t cleaned up from Shabbos at all, I was just sitting on the bathroom floor — not crying, just alone
“I wonder if he really is my father. Farmer Gudaitis said he was a silversmith. How many silversmiths could there have been in the Lithuanian underground?”
Even in the poor lighting, Gabriella caught her blush. This was the first time in their lives that these girls were being made to feel different