Latest Second Thoughts
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Jr. Tales
“What do you think they’ll call her? I hope it’s a name I’ll be excited about”
Chaya Rosen
Jr. Tales
He’d help Reuven find a costume, Yoni decided, but he wasn’t telling Reuven about his own
Hadar Nudel
Israel Election Special
Eight reflections in the aftermath of the third elections
Yossi Elituv
Israel Election Special
So, who won? Depends who you ask
Yisrael Yoskovitz
A Gift Passed Along
And that was it. Zeide was forced to simply step over the body and keep marching without pause
Adina Stilerman
A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”
Nachman Hellman
Jr. Fiction
How can an observant and learned Jew, who dons tefillin every day and maintains Shabbos and kashrus, behave this way?   The disturbing scandals of the last months have engendered various questions: Should one read — even maintain in his home — books written by someone who has evidently been guilty of perpetrating many serious crimes against
Bashie Lisker
Jr. Fiction
Mendy stalks toward me, hand outstretched. I shriek until Mommy comes onto the porch to see what’s going on
Ariella Schiller
Corona Crisis
Coronavirus is worldwide — why is the US so badly hit? 
Omri Nahmias
Corona Crisis
A COVID-19 Primer: Your guide to life in a socially distanced reality
Aliza Rubenstein and Chava Ruderman
More Second Thoughts
Second Thoughts

What, then, is the real meaning of baruch?

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

One can respect the intelligence of Israeli secularists without agreeing with their anti-religious views

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

Here we have Exhibit A of the ultimate self-absorption, the depths of selfishness

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

In all the furor, no one mentions that according to classic Jewish law, one becomes a Jew either by having a Jewish mother or by undergoing a proper conversion to Judaism.

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

The following reply from the distilleries to the Kiddush clubs has been leaked to this magazine

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Second Thoughts

Calendars can help us count the days, but only we can make the days count

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman