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Shimon Breitkopf and Yair Stern
Yonoson Rosenblum
Eytan Kobre
Yisroel Besser
Aryeh Ehrlich
The Next Chapter
Akiva had been given this siddur by his rebbi in fifth grade, and he’d carried it in his tefillin bag
Ahava Ehrenpreis
The Next Chapter
“Eureka!” I thought. “That’s it! Texting: a blessing or a nightmare? A gift or the curse of modern technology?”
Ahava Ehrenpreis
The Conversation Continues
Our readers weigh in on whether we should honor our teens’ requests for therapy
Family First Readers
The Conversation Continues
Readers debate boundaries, business, and balance
Family First Readers
Two Cents
Unsolicited advice from people with no qualifications but many opinions
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Two Cents
Unsolicited advice from people with no qualifications but many opinions
Michali Naiman and Chana Fishman
Torah Thought
Torah leaders confronting the Enlightenment were forced to develop innovative and original approaches to preserving and transmitting the mesorah. Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s groundbreaking commentary on Chumash stands out.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
More Profiles

A tribute to Rebbetzin Raizel Faskowitz a”h

By Ariella Schiller


As the iconic voice of Fiveish by night and brain injury therapist by day, Elchanan Schwarz has learned to elevate both parts of his persona to lift up others

By Yisroel Besser


Rav Yitzchok Feldman scales a mountain in Silicon Valley

By Barbara Bensoussan


United Hatzalah founder Eli Beer cuts through traffic and red tape to save lives, and he’s bringing his Hatzalah model to the entire world

By Rachel Ginsberg


Throughout his decades in chinuch, Rabbi Menachem Levenstein received copious advice and guidance from Rav Aharon Leib Steinman ztz”l, who “sensed a child’s heart”

By Rav Eliyahu Gut and Rav Ephraim Galinksy


They started with 12 elderly men in a forsaken shul. Their mission: Bringing Torah to the 45,000 Jews who had lost almost every vestige of Yiddishkeit to the Nazis and Communism Photos: Rebbetzin Chasi Baksht In 1993, Chasi Baksht had everything a woman could ask for. “My husband was a rosh kollel and I had

By Rhona Lewis