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Ariella Schiller
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Rachel Ginsberg
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Yisrael Hershkowitz
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Ari Z. Zivotofsky and Ari Greenspan
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Sharon Gelbach
Halls of Power
An insider’s guide to politics
Maury Litwack
Halls of Power
As I often say in this column, “A week is a lifetime in politics”
Maury Litwack
Make Her Day
We asked: Do you know someone whose life needs brightening? We gave you $100. And you made her day
Make Her Day
We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories
Ariella Schiller
2.0 Feature
Bored? Uninspired? Itching for change? It’s never too late to recalibrate
Shira Werblowsky
2.0 Feature
For chassidic techie Chaim Landau, uploading chareidi tech power is win-win  
Rivka Streicher
Jr. Tales
“What do you think they’ll call her? I hope it’s a name I’ll be excited about”
Chaya Rosen
Jr. Tales
He’d help Reuven find a costume, Yoni decided, but he wasn’t telling Reuven about his own
Hadar Nudel
No jumping through hoops necessary to make these gorgeous succah decorations
Esti Vago
Rabbi David Green and photographer Moshe Schlass unlock the door to the spirit Photos: Moshe Schlass IF my soul is holy, why am I drawn to the unholy? Can understanding my soul help me in my day-to-day life? How does my soul stay within my physical body? What happens to my soul when I die?
Nechama Kovitz
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Retired Egged employee Sossy Karako will halt traffic to return your lost item 

By Ariella Schiller

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Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz revisits the sites of ancient battles and triumphs

By Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz

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Zebras, ostriches, and Jewish skeletons in a trek through Namibia

By Eliyahu Ackerman

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We took a few pairs of tefillin to the mountains and deserts of northern New Mexico and discovered a world we never knew existed

By Jonah James

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A Long Island town’s Nazi past is finally exposed

By Chaya Baumwolspiner

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Why do arba minim sellers still scramble to get a table in the Shuk?

By Yosef Herz