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Avi Blum, ESQ and Binyamin Rose and Chananel Shapiro and Yaakov Lipszyc
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Yochonon Donn
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Gedalia Guttentag
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Omri Nahmias
News Feature
Avi Lerman
Cooks Compete
Corn salad is an easy side dish to turn to when you need something quick and easy
Family Table Readers
Cooks Compete
M ahwah doesn’t want out-of-state residents to use its parks and the town has passed laws that would make building an eruv impossible. The state’s attorney general says the township is discriminating against Jews and is seeking $3.4 million in a civil suit. The northern New Jersey town which sits across the border from Monsey
Family Table Readers
Shared Space
As the serial draws to a close, we reached out to voices of authority within the community to discuss some of the underlying threads of Shared Space. This week, Rabbi Avrohom Neuberger weighs in on the issue of hard moneylending
Dov Haller
Shared Space
Sometimes, the greatest gift parents can give their married children is the freedom to fail
Dr Meir Wikler
Software Savvy
Empower your business with smart software choices
Liora Waxman with Esther Kurtz
Software Savvy
Empower your business with smart software choices
Liora Waxman with Esther Kurtz
By the Letter
M ahwah doesn’t want out-of-state residents to use its parks and the town has passed laws that would make building an eruv impossible. The state’s attorney general says the township is discriminating against Jews and is seeking $3.4 million in a civil suit. The northern New Jersey town which sits across the border from Monsey
Mindel Kassorla and Mindel Kassorla and Cindy Landesman
By the Letter
Life is a cycle — and a spiral that pushes us higher
Cindy Landesman and Mindel Kassorla
Day of Reckoning
We can only begin to decipher the disturbing scenes of Wednesday’s lethal raid on the Capitol by asking the right questions: What allowed these events to morph from the unthinkable to reality?
Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
Day of Reckoning
How do police, entrusted with crowd control, make their split-second decisions in the face of a violent rioting mob? Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Patrol Lieutenant Steve Riback shares some of the behind-the scenes training protocol and other tools to keep the fear away and his colleagues safe
Margie Pensak
More News Feature
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Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog has earned the mutual respect of chareidi MKs, even as the chareidim show their disdain for his party’s platform,Face to Face with: Yitzchak Herzog,Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog has earned the mutual respect of chareidi MKs, even as the chareidim show their disdain for his party’s platform

By Binyamin Rose

News Feature

Special Coverage: Trump delivers on Jerusalem,Israel’s Capital Gain: 7 Takeaways on Trump’s Jerusalem Proclamation,Special Coverage: Trump delivers on Jerusalem

By Binyamin Rose

News Feature

Entangled by eruv bans, New Jersey towns Mahwah and Jackson face their day in court,Dividing Line,Entangled by eruv bans, New Jersey towns Mahwah and Jackson face their day in court

By Avi Lerman

News Feature

An explosive new police report has blown the lid off what appears to be a cover-up of a cover-up of a cover-up.

By Yaakov Lipszyc

News Feature

It’s those kinds of loopholes in the law that have Americans debating whether such easy access to high-powered weapons was really the intent of Constitutional framers.

By Omri Nahmias

News Feature

“We are a very strong community, very united, and we are going to overcome this” — Rabbi Barry Gelman

By Omri Nahmias