Latest Musings
Hadasa Singer
Esther Kurtz
Chavie Berg
Peshie Needleman
Ideas in 3 Dimensions
Rav Yitzchak Hutner is still speaking to you
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin
Ideas in 3 Dimensions
No one ever really finds Rav Tzaddok — Rav Tzaddok finds you
Dovid Bashevkin
First of All
I might be out of a job soon, but yes, sisters, I’m fine
Ariella Schiller
First of All
"I am — wait for it — going to turn off notifications on the Sisters chat group”
Ariella Schiller
Knesset Channel
Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, ahead of DC trip: “The most important diplomatic visit of my life”
Avi Blum, ESQ
Inside Israel
Many experts suggest that the Israeli Air Force’s bombardment was intended for a broader audience than the Houthis
Yaakov Lipszyc
Podcast: The Rose Report
I don’t like making predictions about the news. There are too many variables. Too many players. There’s the Hand of G-d who intervenes in ways that we can never forecast.  But I’ve been a newsman since the 1970s and I’ve covered comparable stories over many decades. Some stories blow up. Some blow over. Sometimes we see signs in advance, so I will suggest a few things to watch that may give us clarity for 2022.
Binyamin Rose
Podcast: The Rose Report
Before voting for Trump again, or welcoming his Orthodox Jewish advisors back with open arms, or even voting for Bibi again, their clumsy diplomacy should be held against them
Binyamin Rose
Pesach Prep with the Pros
  “Getting a drink is okay. The fact that you are walking up the stairs wearing roller blades is what’s scaring me” T he clunk didn’t register at first. I heard it, but I was too busy trying to figure out if the three-day old meatballs should be tossed or saved to give it any real
C.B. Gavant
Pesach Prep with the Pros
With the busiest season of the Jewish year upon us, how can we balance all of our responsibilities while still nurturing our homes, our children, our husbands, and our spirituality?
Sara Glaz
More Musings

I don’t have an important job or say enough Tehillim. I can’t host so many guests at once, and I’m an introvert, and I probably don’t smile enough

By Russy Tendler


He came to a Size 2. “Are you my bashert?” he said to the Size 2.

By Goldee Teller


“Everyone is buying new shirts for the play!” says my nothing-if-not-persistent daughter

By Chashie Stern


My mirror-self’s lips twitch, and then the woman looking back at me is laughing

By Esther Mandel


I never imagined motherhood would take every single part of me, every last bit of myself I didn’t even know I possessed

By Emuna Stein


I began working on Rosh Chodesh Adar. Not a moment too soon

By Rikki Schultz