Latest Musings
Goldie Shulman
Seema Gersten
Esther Mandel
Rochel Burstyn
Aliza Radin
A Stone’s Throw
“Something happened today and I need your advice. Would I be able to come over to your house and show you something?”
Faigy Gold
A Stone’s Throw
As I passed, I nodded hello and even ventured a “Chodesh tov.” He looked at me, and suddenly held up his hand. The whole line stopped
Faigy Gold
Seven Facts
Use your foot! You crawl on all fours to the bathroom, in tears. Use your foot? Millions of people would envy you. Amputees, people with MS, ALS. Stroke victims. People affected by CP; paraplegics. Car accidents, life-altering injuries. Chronic fatigue. But then you look out the window and see people on their daily power walk,
Devorah Weiss
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
Hasty but Tasty
Add some just-as-easy new ideas into your schedule to keep your family fed and happy, but never bored
Mishpacha Staff
Hasty but Tasty
Take the time to prepare yourself some quick, pick-me-up breakfasts and lunches
Mishpacha Staff
Forever Grateful
A seudas hoda’ah is a celebration of gratitude on the anniversary of your personal miracle
Mishpacha Contributors
Forever Grateful
Within minutes, the room was filled with more doctors and nurses — but no one knew how to proceed
Faige Kramer
More Musings

“Mmm. . .” he said, picking up his glass of water and taking a long swallow. “That’s really good”

By Lori Holzman Schwartz


As a parent, I like to think of teacher gifts as a bit of insurance

By Bashie Lisker


But there’s also this part of me that says, You’re not good at this, no matter how much you enjoy it

By Esther Kurtz


There was a method within the madness, and I was feeling complacent that all was under control

By Tzippi Leibenson


Or how will all involved parties know how to prepare for this event?

By Miri Lederman


Back to Muskan. She felt awful, just awful, that I had received a dented Tjena

By Peshie Needleman