Latest Learning Curve
Learning Curve
Gila Arnold
Learning Curve
Gila Arnold
Learning Curve
Gila Arnold
Learning Curve
Gila Arnold
Learning Curve
Gila Arnold
Shloimy suddenly realized this was the type of song a Bais Nachum boy wasn’t supposed to be listening to
Blimi Rabinowitz
Yonah’s back was to her. What was he reading? She peered over his shoulder. Oh… boy
Ariella Schiller
The girls fist-bumped and smiled smugly. Mali brandished a toothpick. “Kol chassan…” she stage-whispered. Elisheva giggled
Chaya Rosen
If anyone ever wondered how different two brothers could be, they could come look at Nachi and Yudi for their answer
Rochel Samet
Top 5
In honor of Shavuos, my top five
Ahron Cohn
Top 5
"This historically themed but very relevant train adventure puts you in the shoes of a shtetl Yid seeking a shidduch!"
Ahron Cohn
Family Matters
He always thought of everything, so I didn’t have to. Now it was my job, and it was daunting
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
At a particular stage of my husband’s illness, it became clear that the shul we were attending no longer met our needs
Joan Zlotnick
Quick Q
Y ael spent much of the day huddled in bed the word failure failure failure running through her head like a mantra. It was only when her babysitter went home that Yael roused herself. Sruli came clambering onto her bed Simi following her big brother. As Yael lost herself in a big delicious cuddle she
Quick Q
What happened to a trusted sibling or friend?
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Learning Curve

Yael gasped. Her heart was thudding so loudly that she didn’t hear the footsteps until Suri’s next client walked up right behind her,

By Gila Arnold

Learning Curve

Yael’s in-laws surprise her with a weekend getaway. Aviva has her 20-week ultrasound, and the technician sees something worrisome

By Gila Arnold

Learning Curve

Yael finds out about the customer survey and has suspicions about why she hasn’t been informed that it was taking place

By Gila Arnold

Learning Curve

Suri feels guilty about telling Aviva what her daughter overheard about Yael’s poor work. After meeting with a business coach, they send out customer-satisfaction surveys

By Gila Arnold

Learning Curve

Suri’s daughter tells her about a conversation she overheard at the clinic, in which mothers complained about the OT services. Suri tells Aviva about it,

By Gila Arnold

Learning Curve

Yael was richer than Suri could ever hope to be in a thousand lifetimes. And yet, for some reason, she did pity her.

By Gila Arnold