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Amit Silver
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Estie Mann
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Helen Benporath
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Y. Hartman
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Family First Inbox
“Let’s be realistic about the burden, and then we can say we are happy to take it”
Family First Readers
Family First Inbox
“Why did Chelli agonize over a decision that wasn’t hers to make in a vacuum? She had 14 other people to consider”
Family First Readers
Global View
Donald Trump is erratic, but Biden scares me more
Gershon Burstyn
Global View
Russiagate was a hoax — time to look at Obamagate
Gershon Burstyn
Yosef Chaim
As the months went on, rather than becoming closer, we grew further apart, and were increasingly irritated with one another   MY story begins when I got married. I was 18 years old, a brand-new kallah excited to get to know my kind, timid chassan and build a home and a relationship with him. Our
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
Yosef Chaim
"What period in Jewish history would you like to go back in time to — and what would you do differently if you were there?!”
Shira Yehudit Djalilmand
From Across The Oceans
“With that chein and smile, by taking three seconds to say good morning, he made an impact that was remembered years later”
Gedalia Guttentag
From Across The Oceans
“To lose such a talmid on Lag B’omer — how can we understand this?”
Yochonon Donn
When I was finally coaxed back into the classroom, it was for something I’d never imagined
Yochonon Donn
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Know This

Bound by confidentiality, my husband can’t talk — even to me

By Rivka Bergman

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It feels like everyone is staring at me, pityingly, scornfully, wondering why I’m not participating in the conversation

By Anonymous

Know This

On my way back to the dorm, I got the phone call: “Geveret, you have diabetes. You need to go to the hospital right now!”

By Yaffa Silver

Know This

I had clear motor damage and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The doctors told my parents I’d probably never walk

By Rivky Rosenwasser

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Being widowed leaves a gaping hole — here’s how you can help

By Rebecca (Feldbaum) Steier

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Selective mutism is a form of social anxiety. It’s not the same as being shy

By Mindel Kassorla