Hindsight Is 2020
Latest Hindsight Is 2020
Hindsight Is 2020
Shoshana Friedman
Hindsight Is 2020
C. Saphir
Hindsight Is 2020
Chanie Nayman and Michal Frischman
A Paean to Cholent   The Shabbos meal has developed and changed over the past ten years, and a lot is new. But one thing is not; cholent doesn’t need an upgrade. Gefilte fish slowly morphed to salmon, which rapidly became lightly seared tuna steak, only to settle finally on fish that’s not cooked at
Bassi Gruen
A Paean to Cholent   The Shabbos meal has developed and changed over the past ten years, and a lot is new. But one thing is not; cholent doesn’t need an upgrade. Gefilte fish slowly morphed to salmon, which rapidly became lightly seared tuna steak, only to settle finally on fish that’s not cooked at
Faigy Peritzman
Real Life
We designed the perfect engagement ring — then he had a new proposal
Beth Perkel
Real Life
My baby was so close and yet still out of reach. All I could do was say Tehillim and beg Hashem to intercede
Racheli Goldner
Family Matters
He always thought of everything, so I didn’t have to. Now it was my job, and it was daunting
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
At a particular stage of my husband’s illness, it became clear that the shul we were attending no longer met our needs
Joan Zlotnick
Moving Forward
“Your acceptance of your situation is very refreshing. We don’t always have to know the end"
Estie Samson
Moving Forward
"There aren’t so many people like me around here and I’m looking to make a new friend”
Estie Samson
Works of Art
“Maybe we’ll do it your way in the end, but if someone else has a different idea, they’re allowed to say it!”
Zivia Reischer
Works of Art
She looked down at the canvas, moving it in the moonlight until she could see the image it held
Malka Winner
More Hindsight Is 2020
Hindsight Is 2020

We’re closing a decade and Jewish music has stretched, expanded, blurred

By Shoshana Friedman

Hindsight Is 2020

W hen I started writing LifeLines close to ten years ago, the frum world was experiencing a major turnaround in its attitude toward the mental health profession. Originally, our camp was bitterly opposed to psychology, a field that was viewed as rooted in kefirah (think Sigmund Freud). But as the field developed, and awareness of

By C. Saphir

Hindsight Is 2020

A Paean to Cholent   The Shabbos meal has developed and changed over the past ten years, and a lot is new. But one thing is not; cholent doesn’t need an upgrade. Gefilte fish slowly morphed to salmon, which rapidly became lightly seared tuna steak, only to settle finally on fish that’s not cooked at

By Chanie Nayman and Michal Frischman