Latest Halls of Power
Halls of Power
Maury Litwack
Halls of Power
Maury Litwack
Halls of Power
Maury Litwack
Halls of Power
Maury Litwack
Halls of Power
Maury Litwack
Linked Supplement
Knowing where we come from gives us purpose and passion as we find our way forward
Mishpacha Contributors
Linked Supplement
If you could ask a single special ancestor of yours to address one question that you face, who would you ask and which life experience would you tap?
Mishpacha Contributors
Fiction Corner
For a fleeting moment, I thought I saw a glint of compunction in her eyes, but if I did, it was gone as soon as it came
Sara Pachter
Fiction Corner
“We’re going to be friends for always. We’ll stay in touch. I’ll be there at your wedding and you’ll be there at mine”
Aryeh Ehrlich
Parallel Journeys
I look at my face in those pictures and see my innocence: How I thought things would stay that way forever, sharing a journey with Etty, sharing our lives.
Faigy Schonfeld
Parallel Journeys
Good girls don’t ask, I was told
Esty Mandelbaum
Baby Steps
I slowly wrote the rest of my reply, hit send, and opened up a world of possibilities
Helen Shere
Baby Steps
I should probably let the shul know that I won’t be available to host in a few months... But then again...
Helen Shere
Heaven-Sent: Pesach Theme 5783
This Yom Tov, when Eliyahu HaNavi visits every household, we share a collection of first-person encounters, tales of miraculous intervention by a mysterious figure
Rachel Bachrach
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Halls of Power

Rule #3: Always be thinking about the next election

By Maury Litwack

Halls of Power

Building relationships with elected officials is easier when they are less known, hold less power, and fewer people want that relationship

By Maury Litwack

Halls of Power

An insider’s guide to political influence

By Maury Litwack