Latest Guests of Honor
Guests of Honor
Family First Contributors
Guests of Honor
Elana Rothberg
Guests of Honor
Sarah Moses Spero
Guests of Honor
Esther Teichtal
Guests of Honor
Henny Salzman
Kashrus Alert: A Mashgiach's Travels
There are bunch of potential kashrus problems with eggs
Chaya Rosen
Kashrus Alert: A Mashgiach's Travels
A good mashgiach learns to trust his feelings. Hashem sends them, directly from Heaven
Chaya Rosen
redo and renew
Maybe… just maybe, if Moshe could do it, so could I?   The principal of a new seminary called me today, asking if I can please, please, please speak at their seminary’s Yom Iyun. She was practically begging. Between taking care of my kids and teaching in several places, my schedule is stretched thin. I
Malkie Gordon-Hirsch
redo and renew
Maybe… just maybe, if Moshe could do it, so could I?   The principal of a new seminary called me today, asking if I can please, please, please speak at their seminary’s Yom Iyun. She was practically begging. Between taking care of my kids and teaching in several places, my schedule is stretched thin. I
Michal Frischman
When I was finally coaxed back into the classroom, it was for something I’d never imagined
Yochonon Donn
Bricks and Ladders
"We decided that if any of you aren’t happy in Stonesworth, we’ll try to make it work so that you can go to school in Brownsfeld"
Ariella Schiller
Bricks and Ladders
Back to school tomorrow. When I left I’d been part of the most popular clique in school and now I’m returning alone, a nobody, ashamed and mortified
Ariella Schiller
Editors Note
Whether we promote ourselves on Instagram or not, we all already have a unique brand of our own — because Hashem made us that way.
Alex Abel
Editors Note
When I get to that place, I remember that Hashem has a plan tailor-made for me
Alex Abel
More Guests of Honor
Guests of Honor

That song keeps Malki going. She listens to it on repeat, the words of Dovid Hamelech providing solace

By Adina Weiss

Guests of Honor

Is it true that love is blind? Doesn’t it hurt her anew every time she thinks of how her son rejected the world she chose?

By Rachel Newton

Guests of Honor

Like Aharon HaKohein facing the death of his two sons, Zeidy Pavel remained silent

By Lea Pavel