Latest Fiction
Dina Greenspan
Esty Heller
Chanie Goldenberg
Deborah Guttentag
Mindy Gluckstein
Take 2
All human beings crave connection but those connections don’t have to take place on muddy terrain
Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA
Take 2
I’m having a really hard time forgiving her, and I’m too embarrassed to talk to her about the conversation I overheard
Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA
World Travelers
Scotland seemed like a great choice — majestic castles, gorgeous scenery, charming culture, and numerous distilleries (where liquor is manufactured)
Rabbi Alport
World Travelers
After being cooped up at home for months due to Covid, we really wanted a change of scenery
Rabbi Alport
5 Myths
What do you know about Swiss banks?
Sharon Gelbach
#In A Word
The strong trees protruding through the snow and the sun shining through the shadows are a reminder to me that Hashem always provides us with strength and warmth in the coldness of life
Mishpacha Contributors
#In A Word
If I had to describe the atmosphere at this dinner in Wiesenthal's honor, I would say it was this overwhelming sense of “we have won”
Mishpacha Contributors
Would caring for Shimmy tear our family apart?   Had the hem of her skirt not snagged in the stair lift on her way up and sent her somersaulting backward, Yael may have made it into her parents’ apartment on time to prevent war. Instead, she could only wince as her knee throbbed and her
Bassi Gruen
Would caring for Shimmy tear our family apart?   Had the hem of her skirt not snagged in the stair lift on her way up and sent her somersaulting backward, Yael may have made it into her parents’ apartment on time to prevent war. Instead, she could only wince as her knee throbbed and her
Faigy Peritzman
More Fiction

It had been 24 years of what-ifs

By Devorie Kreiman


A car turned the corner, slowing near her house. Her heart dropped. Buick, definitely from the ‘60s. This was not a good sign

By S. Botnick


Whatever happened to that spunk? That spark? When did I become such a fuddy-duddy?

By Shoshana Schwartz


A choose-your-own-adventure tale

By Elisheva Appel


“You need to keep your sense of humor in these situations,” I repeat in a high-pitched, nasal voice. Hah

By Gila Arnold


There were so many rules and regulations that came along with shidduch dating, it was simply impossible to follow everything

By Rachael Lavon