Latest FF Theme: Enduring Kindness
FF Theme: Enduring Kindness
Family First Readers
F is for Friendship
“But, but….” I sounded like the sputtering last cup of soda in a slush machine. “That doesn’t make any sense,” I finally said
Ruchama Schnaidman
F is for Friendship
Tzivi wasn’t the writer, I thought. I glanced around the classroom. That left twenty-two other girls. Well, twenty-one because it wasn’t Penina
Ruchama Schnaidman
A Few Minutes With
Mr. Fitzgerald shared his views with Mishpacha on the administration’s tariff goals
Rafael Hoffman
A Few Minutes With
“We cannot allow Hamas to regroup”
Yaacov Lipszyc
Day in the Life
Moshe Finkelstein is the owner of CrunchTime Media in Brooklyn, New York
Rachel Bachrach
Day in the Life
Yehoshua Berger is the owner of EsrogShopper.com. He’s based in Lakewood, New Jersey
Rachel Bachrach
Ask a Venture Capitalist
Investor Secrets Revealed 
David Stark and Jordan Odinsky
Every Soul a World
Just as Moshe Rabeinu’s birthday and Yahrzeit are on the same day, so, too, Rabbi Dahan was decreed to be taken from us on his birthday. One year since his passing
Penina Steinbruch
Every Soul a World
“Yakov, in his short life in This World, succeeded in becoming a walking kiddush Hashem”
Ariella Schiller
More FF Theme: Enduring Kindness
FF Theme: Enduring Kindness

16 stories of gestures small and large, whose warmth lingers long afterward

By Family First Readers