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Gedalia Guttentag
Magazine Feature
Riki Goldstein
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Ovadia Sorscher
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Shmuel Botnick
Magazine Feature
Mishpacha Staff
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"One thing most definitely does need fixing. And that is the absence of empathy and respect for an entire demographic"
C. Saphir
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Believe me — I promise you that I’m constantly questioning: Why was I worthy of this miracle?
Charlene Aminoff
The Interior of Design
Mourning Rabbi Moshe Grylak, founding editor of Mishpacha “A million children were killed during the Holocaust. For some reason, Hashem chose to spare me. Surely I’m meant to do something for Him in return!” That was the refrain Rabbi Moshe Grylak’s family heard throughout his life. This week, his 87 years of devoted service came
Miri Lichtman
The Interior of Design
Mourning Rabbi Moshe Grylak, founding editor of Mishpacha “A million children were killed during the Holocaust. For some reason, Hashem chose to spare me. Surely I’m meant to do something for Him in return!” That was the refrain Rabbi Moshe Grylak’s family heard throughout his life. This week, his 87 years of devoted service came
From Across The Oceans
“With that chein and smile, by taking three seconds to say good morning, he made an impact that was remembered years later”
Gedalia Guttentag
From Across The Oceans
“To lose such a talmid on Lag B’omer — how can we understand this?”
Yochonon Donn
Lost and Found: Chanukah Theme 5783
7 tales of treasures lost — and regained
Mishpacha Contributors
Match Quest
Rules are a lot like clichés. They came about for a reason. And like clichés, sometimes they apply and sometimes they don’t
Sara Eisemann
Match Quest
I discovered two significant patterns regarding the women who were “skipped”
Sara Eisemann
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Magazine Feature

With Rabbi Joey Haber’s unique blend of Sephardi mesorah and a yeshivish education, he gracefully straddles different demographics while promoting life-enhancing messages common to us all

By Barbara Bensoussan

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Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker can help you retain the Torah you’ve worked so hard to learn

By Dovid Sussman

Magazine Feature

In tribute to Rabbi Moshe Sherer

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature

For Rabbi Alan Plancey, the crown on his kehillah, one of the fastest-growing Orthodox communities in the UK, tops any royal welcome

By Riki Goldstein

Magazine Feature

Ties past and present between Britain’s monarchy and its Jews

By Gedalia Guttentag and Rabbi Aubrey Hersh

Magazine Feature

Rav Nochum Cohen’s brachos somehow always bear yeshuos, but he says there’s no magic trick: It’s all about locking into simple faith

By Refoel Pride