Latest Family First Editor's Letter
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Bassi Gruen
Family First Editor's Letter
Shoshana Friedman
Baby Steps
I slowly wrote the rest of my reply, hit send, and opened up a world of possibilities
Helen Shere
Baby Steps
I should probably let the shul know that I won’t be available to host in a few months... But then again...
Helen Shere
Dream On
Vivianne Willig, MSW, responds to reader questions about Dream On
Vivianne Willig MSW
Dream On
Whatever she ended up doing in life, she’d do it as herself. If nothing else, she’d learned that this year in seminary
Gila Arnold
Pesach Made Peaceful
It’s not the food that makes memories, it’s the calm
Faigy Schonfeld
Pesach Made Peaceful
“When was the last time we ate a meal behind the dryer?”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
It Happened at Midnight: Pesach Theme 5783
While the world dreams and the stars twinkle, the Creator neither slumbers nor sleeps. Ten stories of midnight miracles, epiphanies, and revelations
Family First Contributors
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Oh, no, I thought, Will I allow Goldie to use the silent treatment as a weapon?
Sarah Nimarov
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Growing up, I knew that it was bad to spend money and sinful to buy things at full price
Rachel Jaffe
More Family First Editor's Letter
Family First Editor's Letter

The true tests are not when ideals are pitting against fleeting desires. It’s when ideals are pitted against ideals

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

So often, our emotions are a confusing cocktail. The joy of Yom Tov can be merged with tension, frustration, loneliness, or resentment.

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

Some wonderful news: Batya Burd, whom we featured twice after the petirah of her husband, is a kallah! I’m sure you all join me in wishing her a huge, heartfelt mazel tov.

By Bassi Gruen

Family First Editor's Letter

Yirmiyahu’s Jerusalem is a mother, like me. But she hasn’t spent the past few hours holding, nurturing, or comforting her children. Her children are gone

By Shoshana Friedman