Latest Face to Face
Face to Face
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Face to Face
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Face to Face
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Face to Face
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
Face to Face
Mrs. Elana Moskowitz
The Explainer
The right wing’s victory in this election shows that Europeans are wary of increasing Islamic immigration
Yaakov Lipszyc
The Explainer
These bochurim fall into a category colloquially known as “bnei mehagrim” (“children of emigrants”) and the issues are complex
Yaakov Lipszyc
The Day After
An expert panel featuring Rabbi Menachem Karmel, Rabbi Zvi Bender and Rabbi Ari Schonfeld, moderated by Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan WATCH / LISTEN TO THE PANEL HERE
Mishpacha Contributors
The Day After
An expert panel featuring Rabbi David Ozeri, Dr. Eli Shapiro, and Mrs. Aliza Feder, moderated by Mr. Alex Paskie WATCH / LISTEN TO THE PANEL HERE
Mishpacha Contributors
A tiny shadow of a little girl. Standing. On the outside of the open windowpane. On the sill as narrow as a tea biscuit.
Leah Wachsler
An honorable Japanese diplomat put his career on the line, granting more than 2,000 visas to Lithuanian Jews fleeing the Nazis — in defiance of orders from Tokyo
Yosef Zoimen
As They Grow
Rabbi Greenwald's column in Issue 1011, advising a mother with a daughter in shidduchim to clarify whether she wants a husband who learns or one who works, generated significant reader feedback. Two letters are presented here, along with Rabbi Greenwald's response.
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
As They Grow
Your problem is what we call “a rich man’s tzuris”
Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald
Veiled Joy
The two of us stood under our chuppah, enjoying the wedding we’d planned in just 24 hours
Josh Clark
Veiled Joy
Fear was beginning to creep into our conversations. Would there be flights? Should everyone leave now?
Millie Samson
More Face to Face
Face to Face

We seek not revenge, but fulfilment of His Will

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Face to Face

We yearn for insightful guidance on matters of body and soul, but our intentions aren’t self-serving

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Face to Face

Deeply entrenched in galus, there isn’t a person among us who hasn’t encountered a lost Jewish soul

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Face to Face

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of livelihood

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Face to Face

An enduring bill of health

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Face to Face

Hashem’s intimate view of my challenges mirrors mine

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz