He’s the menahel of Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam in Far Rockaway, New York, but come summer, and it’s camp for RABBI NOSSON NEUMAN
“…they’re waiting for you to stand/’Cuz everyone’s a dugma, step up you’re a dugma,” the lyrics call
As a professional voice coach, Ari Zoldan uses his expertise and experience to train others’ voices so they can shine in song, too
Baruch Hashem, when I listened to this, I knew immediately we had captured the evening in its entirety, so when you listen, you feel you were there
As Dovid Hamelech’s song continues to ignite our souls, what’s the niggun you’ve made your own?
As the owner and conductor of Lev Choir, a New York-based adult choir, he loves helping people actualize their personal musical vision for their special night