The Ultimate Healing The story of Shamati begins in the mystical city of Tzfas, where the chevra discovered the seeds of this heavenly niggun under the guise of a melodious chant in the old city’s famed echo cave. Something about these words, “Shomati et tefillatecha… I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears. I will heal you…”
The Deepest of Deep The words “V’heishiv lev avos al banim v’lev banim al avosam” imply a double returning — the return of children on account of their parents, and the return of parents on account of their children. It is easy to understand the way in which the guidance, experience, and nurturing of previous generations would
Life-Saving Words In sefer Sichos HaRan, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov describes a person who is struggling so intensely with the burden of his challenging circumstances that he sees no purpose in continuing to live. He writes that a single smile from a passing stranger can literally save this person’s life, brightening his world and giving him the
Moshiach’s Battlecry! It is only natural to think about Hashem in terms of what He can do for us. But the tzaddikim who were sent to prepare am Yisrael for the days of Mashiach teach that a shift of perspective is in order. They write that the time has come for us to reclaim a
The King is in the Field! As the year reaches its end and every Jew ponders his own beginning — the core of our national identity rooted in the kisei hakavod — yearning to return to his deepest essence of goodness, purity, and spiritual connection, Hashem comes out to greet us. The Baal HaTanya teaches that during