Latest Encore
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Dov Haller
Voice in the Crowd
What is it? What’s the secret of Yigal Calek's music, the way it flows not past you, but through you?
Yisroel Besser
Voice in the Crowd
Take this not as political commentary, but as social commentary — not about them, but about us
Yisroel Besser
World Travelers
Scotland seemed like a great choice — majestic castles, gorgeous scenery, charming culture, and numerous distilleries (where liquor is manufactured)
Rabbi Alport
World Travelers
After being cooped up at home for months due to Covid, we really wanted a change of scenery
Rabbi Alport
The Beat
Every year, prominent public figures are prepared to put their credibility on the line by forecasting the future
Y. Davis
The Beat
Even as drones with wingspans up to eight feet were sighted by law enforcement officials, Washington brushed them off
Rafael Hoffman
Risk Factor
"Freedom is earned. You’re the only person who can give it to yourself”
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Risk Factor
“Every time I walk out, I’m trying to prove to myself that he doesn’t care if I leave"
Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan
Second Thoughts
There are two types of miracles: the neis nistar (the hidden, concealed miracle) and the neis nigleh ( the open, obvious miracle)
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
Second Thoughts
From Kishinev to October 7 and beyond
Rabbi Emanuel Feldman
More Encore

“Nothing personal, I’m sure he has his issues, but doesn’t he seem like a guy who can ruin a good chill?”

By Dov Haller


Shlomo took a deep breath. Only once had he played his songs in public

By Dov Haller


People can spend weeks maintaining a polite, respectful distance, and in a span of a moment, are suddenly sharing their deepest secrets

By Dov Haller


Shlomo, the rosh yeshivah wrote back so quickly that Shlomo was still holding the phone, hatzlachah. Enjoy your guests

By Dov Haller


Avi Korman felt like he was about to cry. He looked down. Dovi would never forgive him

By Dov Haller


Penina faltered. Was that it? Would Avi Korman cut funding to the yeshivah because she had a rich cousin?

By Dov Haller