Latest Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Gedalia Guttentag
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Gedalia Guttentag
Hanging in the Balance: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5784
Sometimes it feels as though your entire future hinges on an upcoming verdict that will change everything. 4 stories of women left hanging in the balance
Family First Readers
First of All
I might be out of a job soon, but yes, sisters, I’m fine
Ariella Schiller
First of All
"I am — wait for it — going to turn off notifications on the Sisters chat group”
Ariella Schiller
In the Balance
Our victory is that we don’t perpetuate the evil
Baruch S. Fertel, MD, MPA, FACEP
In the Balance
Trust your doctor. But only believe in Hashem
Baruch S. Fertel, MD, MPA, FACEP
Connect Two
“Write a sample journal entry and show it to your kids, so they know what the goal is”
D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer
Connect Two
"She needs to be able to understand age-appropriate books, but she isn’t yet fluent enough to read them”
D. Himy, M.S. CCC-SLP and Zivia Reischer
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
I reminded myself that I had no reason to worry. Maybe things would happen at the last minute, but my mother would help me pull this off, I knew I could rely on her
Esty Heller
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
Honestly, I can’t keep track of Dalia’s wardrobe, even though she’s forever posting pictures of her new purchases on our family chat
Rochel Samet
More Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein
Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein

As Iran dashes for the bomb, Israel may be preparing to act

By Gedalia Guttentag

Diplomatic Notes with Malcolm Hoenlein

Any threat to the unity of Jerusalem under Jewish control is not something that Israel or world Jewry can yield to

By Gedalia Guttentag