Latest Calligraphy
Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l
Leah Gebber
Miriam Gitlin
Chaya David
Blimie Rabinowitz
Normal Like Me
“You told us not to give you a phone, even if you begged for one in the middle of the night”
Ruti Kepler
Normal Like Me
“Bernadine, get dressed and join them!” they urged her. Grandma’s friend Scarlett grabbed Bernadine with two strong hands and started smearing her face with yellow paint
Ruti Kepler
Our cover story, “Opening the Books” in Issue 1030 continues to draw vigorous and passionate feedback. Here is a sampling:
Mishpacha Readers
“Everyone agrees an education is a basic right. It should be the same for frum children”
Mishpacha Readers
I still don’t know why we’re saying yes to the shidduch. Since he was little, I knew Yudi would have no shortage of shidduch suggestions when the time came. I know I’m his mother, but you can believe me when I tell you that Yudi has this unusual combination of charisma and intensity. Some people
Esther Ottensoser
I still don’t know why we’re saying yes to the shidduch. Since he was little, I knew Yudi would have no shortage of shidduch suggestions when the time came. I know I’m his mother, but you can believe me when I tell you that Yudi has this unusual combination of charisma and intensity. Some people
Chaya Surie Goldberger
Smart Eats
Peas and thank you!
Shira Isenberg, RD, MPH
Smart Eats
Answers to five burning cheesecake questions
Shira Isenberg, RD, MPH
5 Things to Know About
There very rarely is an easy or simple “blended family”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
5 Things to Know About
It’s really no different than telling someone in a wheelchair that she should move faster because she’s in your way.
More Calligraphy

Finally I can daven without feeling eyes in my back and whispers in the corners, checking how much I sway and how many tears I shed.

By Sara Shamansky


The chutzpah – to disregard, to defy with such carelessness and contempt, the stringent dress code clearly spelled out in crude block letters for all to see.

By Yitta Halberstam Mandelbaum


You know, it’s not uncommon for the father of the kallah to get a heart attack at the wedding

By Avner Gold