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Family First Readers
By the Numbers
Mishpacha Readers
By the Numbers
Family First Readers
By the Numbers
Mishpacha Staff
Kids are overwhelmed, parents are overworked. Just whose job is this homework, anyway?
Family First Readers
Power Plays
The human drama fueling Israel’s election story
Mishpacha Staff
Power Plays
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Shas has stormed back, jumping from nine to 11 seats in the elections 
Gedalia Guttentag
coffee break
Dani Dayan is the departing consul general of Israel in New York
Omri Nahmias
coffee break
Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone is senior advisor to US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman
Gershon Burstyn
As Mimi’s world came to life, I began to wonder… is normal simply a myth that we’ve created?
Rochel Samet
Mimi feels a twinge of — what is it? Pity? Protectiveness? Caring? — for her sister
Rochel Samet
All in a Day's Work
If you could work anywhere for a day, what would you choose? 6 Writers. 6 Jobs.  6 Adventures
Family First Contributors
More By the Numbers
By the Numbers

Parental support: readers share their takes

By Family First Readers

By the Numbers

As children become adults, how much do they — and should they — rely on their parents for support? Over 800 parents and children weigh in

By Mishpacha Readers

By the Numbers

Survey of the shidduch scene: systems, stats, and stories

By Family First Readers

By the Numbers

We break down your Shabbos stats

By Mishpacha Staff