Latest A Summer Well Spent
A Summer Well Spent
Yosef Herz
A Summer Well Spent
Yosef Herz
A Summer Well Spent
Yosef Herz
Hit the Trail
Of giving, taking, and building campaigns
Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz
Hit the Trail
There were no more atheists left in the house. No more questions needed to be asked
Rabbi Ephraim Schwartz
FF Point of View
Is sheltering kids the ideal — or misguided? Ten women share their take
Family First Contributors
Touch Base
This column is delivered with warmest blessings to anyone looking for their bashert, and their parents, too
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
Touch Base
Our anxiety no longer has the same urgency — how do we keep feeling?
Mrs. Batya Weinberg
tastes like shabbos
Just the word itself brings waves of nostalgia for the beautiful Shabbosos of my childhood
Family Table Readers
tastes like shabbos
A teacher and a mother, Rebbetzin Machlis cooked for several hundred guests every Shabbos for decades
Sarah Faygie Berkowitz
TLC Talks
“You can choose power or you can choose influence. But you very rarely can have both”
Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield
More A Summer Well Spent
A Summer Well Spent

“It was an intense, passionate, spiritually charged summer — and even without relaxing, we were rejuvenated and reinvigorated”

By Yosef Herz

A Summer Well Spent

“It was all part of being there, showing the unaffiliated that bnei Torah can be fun, normal, and serious about Yiddishkeit at the same time”

By Yosef Herz

A Summer Well Spent

“To see how ‘I’ and ‘me’ are just ways to say ‘us’ and ‘we’; to expand yourself to include others”

By Yosef Herz