Latest 10 Questions
A Different Counting Shavuos 5782
The words leap off the page, suddenly so much more real than prayers mumbled
Sari Abraham
A Different Counting Shavuos 5782
What were a few bothersome appointments if they were the key to the Land of Israel?
Yaffa Ganz
Madame Chamberlaine
“Shana! Dana! Is everything okay? Why are the two of you wearing winter hats in this heat?!”
Tzipie Wolner
Madame Chamberlaine
"She’s been asking for des sucettes et des saucisses. Can you tell me what these words mean?”
Tzipie Wolner
With the conviction that we are nothing, we declare Him King
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
It's the small acts that make big people
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Pesach Without Pressure
Windex — it’s all about happy Jews and Windex.
Bracha Stein
Pesach Without Pressure
If you’re getting frustrated, you’re probably spring-cleaning
Bracha Stein
Jolly Solly
The troublesome two faced each other, fists clenched — but were distracted by Jolly Solly’s voice nearby
R. Atkins
Jolly Solly
“Burst pipe!” he called to his fellow workmen inside.  “Somebody turn off the water mains!”
R. Atkins
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Rabbi Jake Czuper, a Jewish educator and singer-songwriter/entertainer, recently released his third album. He’s based in Atlanta, Georgia

By Rachel Bachrach

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“Most of all, I’m hoping they can rekindle the geshmak”

By Rachel Bachrach

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Moshe Eisenberg is the chief operating officer of NakiRadio, which is based in New York, New York.

By Rachel Bachrach

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15,000 minyanim, more than 6,500 locations, 70 countries

By Rachel Bachrach

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“Wherever there’s Chabad, there’s JCalendar”

By Rachel Bachrach

10 Questions

“SafeTelecom really is the refuah before the makkah”

By Rachel Bachrach