| The Moment |

Within an Hour

The response was so overwhelming that Rabbi Bender had to post for people to stop pledging money


It’s been a season of online campaigns, virtual dinners and crowdfunding drives taking the place of in-person events. But last week’s campaign in Far Rockaway was spontaneous, with no marketing agency or platform involved.

Late on Motzaei Shabbos, Rabbi Boruch Ber Bender of Achiezer got a phone call from Sholom Jaroslawicz, Achiezer’s director of operations, about a local resident who had passed away over Shabbos, leaving over no children. A frum neighbor had found him and contacted the family members, who took over the arrangements and planned to have him cremated.

Achiezer called the secular relatives, who explained that cremation was simply the cheapest option, but if the religious neighbors wanted to cover the cost of a Jewish burial, they would not oppose it. It was after midnight on Motzaei Shabbos when Rabbi Bender posted the mitzvah opportunity — and within an hour, the funding for the kever, the taharah, and kevurah was in place, sponsored by Jews eager to join the mitzvah. The response was so overwhelming that Rabbi Bender had to post for people to stop pledging money, as all costs were already covered. “Wait!” came the next message, “I will pay for the matzeivah!”

And a final message from a nation imbued with nedivus lev, generosity of heart: In a record-setting snowstorm, a small crowd of good Jews braved the elements to ensure that the meis mitzvah was sent off with dignity and respect.

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