| The Lens |

The Lens: Issue 877

At a bris this week, I had the opportunity to capture it


The Mashgiach has been fasting for weeks.

Not a fast of food or drink, but of speech, a ta’anis dibbur in which Rav Don Segal speaks nothing but words of Torah between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur. It doesn’t dampen his spirits, though, but elevates his entire being and his face literally shines, the yiras Shamayim he exudes not mitigating his inner simchah at all. And at a bris this week, I had the opportunity to capture it.

A bochur approached for a brachah, and the Mashgiach blessed him using only the words of Chazal, “talmudo beyado — his learning is in his hands,” two words that convey the wish that the boy thrive both in learning and action, the hope of every Jew.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 877)

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