“I... how often are you thinking of hosting events like these? I mean, they’re wonderful, and they do bring in business, it’s just... whatever”
She had so many ideas, so much passion — and she was going to funnel it all into a random project that meant nothing to anybody
Binyamin clenched his fists. It was awful, Kaylie being so overworked and he not being able to wave a wand, making all her troubles vanish
How dare she! How dare Shana judge and proclaim and offer her wonderful ideas, while cozied up on her couch thousands of miles away
“Mimi, my princess,” Daddy began. His voice was peaches and cream, like always. “We had a dramatic day yesterday, eh?”
“I need to go. I love Zoberman’s, I love you all. But I can’t work here. This whole... situation, it’s not good for me”
“We all want Zoberman’s to succeed. So why are we — why does it feel like we’re fighting... fighting different battles?”
Why did he always find himself in the middle? Tugged by both sides, trying to make things good, always trying
“Daddy doesn’t serve me breakfast like he serves you,” Mommy said, pretending it was a joke. Mimi stared at her mother. Where did this come from?
There’s nothing wrong with adding a sushi bar, and other things, but you do realize that our hottest menu items were traditional, old-fashioned foods
This was so ridiculous, so utterly ridiculous, and he knew it. Rabbi Neuwirth cleared his throat, the guys gaped at him. Silently, he begged them to be nice