e finally had a class this week that intrigued me: A career coach came to our seminary to give a workshop on how to choose a job. Well, I’ve been ready to finish school for a while now, so that sounded like a topic I was more than ready to discuss. The workshop was good, but honestly, it got me a little confused. There are so many parts of a job to think about, and it seems like it’s not easy to get it just right. We heard about personality types, strengths, emotional intelligence, and some pretty interesting stories of people who changed careers at ages 30, 40, and even 50! I definitely want to avoid that… unless I plan on doing one thing while I raise a family im yirtzeh Hashem, and then having a “Bubby” job later on.

Luckily, I was able to schedule my own individual follow-up meeting with the coach to discuss what I want to do after seminary. The thing is, I know I’m an ISFJ; I’ve always been into personality typing. According to the last personality quiz I took, I have a “desire to do good, am a perfectionist, and always gets the job done.” Yeah, but that still feels a bit vague. I know that whatever I do will be something that is useful to others. I’ll do it perfectly and will put my all into my work. That still leaves me with the question of what this big and wonderful “thing” should be.

We started with the “clues” that I have about my interests and dreams. First things first, I would love a career that includes my fashion sense, which all of my friends agree that I have. Second, I really want to get training, but I’m also not looking to go to a fancy college that takes four years to just get started. I prefer to get started right away, learn from experience, and learn a hands-on craft. And the third thing, which I know sounds a little weird for someone my age, is that I really, really, like REALLY, want to start my own business. Like, yesterday. I know that’s not the kind of thing to tell most adults, and yes, I know that new businesses have an 80 percent chance of failing, and three out of five new businesses close in the first two years. But I know that I am the kind of person who will do well on my own. I haven’t ever had a job yet, but the thought of having a boss already bothers me. Basically, the way I see it, it’s pure modern slavery. Instead of working toward my goals and dreams, I get paid to keep quiet and work on someone else’s goals and dreams. The money part is nice (that’s why I call it modern), but I don’t think that any amount of money can ever be enough if I have to do what someone else wants. (Are you rolling your eyes yet at this young, idealistic seminary girl? Hey, this is my diary, and that’s how I feel.) I feel like a born entrepreneur, but I have no idea how to actually get started.

(Excerpted from Teen Pages, Issue 763)