Put Groceries away in Bins?
| January 30, 2024After you stock up on groceries, do you decant half the items into bins and containers before putting them away in your pantry?
Yes, of course. I love how the pantry looks that way, and it stays so much neater!
No, are you crazy? Why would I give myself all that extra work?
When I had an organizer do my kitchen, she color-coded my Bisslis and put them neatly in bins. It looked amazing, but lasted one day.
L. A.
I consider it a win if I manage to unpack the groceries before collapsing, so no, nice acrylic containers are out of the question.
M. B.
A pantry definitely looks gorgeous when everything is in bins and containers. However, only attempt it if you plan to upkeep, or you will end up with a pantry full of empty bins and containers and food in the packages they came in. There’s nothing messier than that!
Yes, I do repackage my groceries into those matching containers. It sounds like it’s a job but I honestly find that it helps keep my pantry neater. And besides, it’s so much more motivating to keep something neat when it looks good — as opposed to shelves full of half-eaten snacks closed with twist ties!
(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 879)
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