Home Front

Binyamin Rose and Gedalia Guttentag cover Israel’s biggest conflict in a generation: Operation Swords of Iron


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January 05, 2024

Today on Home Front:

  • Beirut assignation was a calculated, but necessary, risk
  • Protecting Gaza civilians at the expense of unreasonably high IDF casualties is dead wrong
  • Israel needs leverage to facilitate a breakthrough on ‘the day after’ options
  • PLUS: If you don’t have anything unifying to say, don’t say anything
January 02, 2024

Today on Home Front:

  • As the north heats up, the IDF zeroes in on Southern Gaza
  • Eliminating rocket fire is impossible, but drastically limiting it is an attainable goal
  • Does Israel have enough bunker busters to blast Hezbolla’s vast tunnel network?
December 29, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Israel is fighting an undeclared war in the North
  • The Middle East is a tough neighborhood. Can the US play by its rules?
  • The ‘Day After’ in Gaza requires multiple tactics

December 26, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Debating tactics that risk IDF lives isn’t politicking
  • Israel’s staggering — and underreported — humanitarian numbers
  • Gaza tunnel networks are 500% more than estimated. There’s no quick fix.
  • Bibi nods to dreams of peace to relieve political pressure

December 22, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Will Israel’s diplomatic stunt deter Hezbollah?
  • Iris Haim’s tragically uplifting message to the soldiers — and the world
  • The IDF is desperately searching for a game-changing breakthrough

December 18, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • The tragedy of “friendly fire”
  • When will the West acknowledge the changed reality of Hamas’ reach?
  • 10/7 was the result of mass multi-year failures
  • PLUS: “Where are all these open spaces?”

December 14, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Why Israel’s golden opportunity to stand up for itself is causing friction
  • What’s behind the double talk of the US Administration
  • Should the question of the day after overtake the war itself?
  • PLUS: Appreciation for the unlikely visitors at the Kosel Hadlakas HaNeiros


December 11, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • International pressure for speedy progress risks IDF lives
  • Is there any solution to the Palestinian labor conundrum?
  • What Israel’s leaders can learn from the Hasmonean Empire

December 08, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • What does a Hamas defeat look like?
  • How Israel’s strategy is helping to retain WH support
  • The political theater in the war cabinet continues
  • Ivy League presidents’ Congress appearance explains the state of academia today

December 04, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • US demands are unfair, but it keeps them on our side.
  • A creaky unity government can still get the job done
  • Chuck Schumer and the October 8th Jews

**Note to listeners: Home Front will now air Mondays and Thursdays, covering the wider issues playing out in the ongoing war.