This year, I decide, for Shavuos night, we’re going to have a meal centered around Torah
I’d like to introduce another important component to recovery from unwanted eating behaviors
When Chazal say one who does a mitzvah he was commanded to do is greater than one who wasn’t commanded, they don’t mean more praiseworthy. They mean the effects of his mitzvah are ...
I realize it’s obvious that I need to do real teshuvah here, and I need to ask mechilah
Instead of obligation, Hashem emphasized privilege
Six women share the moment they felt privileged to belong to our nation
Baking bread is an art already, so why not up your game and paint your sourdough loaves?
We hear so many stories about gedolim who were mediocre at best as children, and who later became role models for Klal Yisrael
In tribute to media advocate Yitzchak Nachshoni
When the daily commute to Manhattan’s Diamond District got to be too much, Zev Oster dabbled in agriculture closer to home in Rockland County.
Every picture of kinderlach dancing around a fire on the schoolyard asphalt is a message to him. You were right, Rabi Shimon