The fact that father and son dealt with the same curious theme hints at some family history behind the discussion
“If there’s anything like that, negative friendships, a negative influence even from the home, it’s important for us to know”
The question of whose life is worth more contains another question that is too frequently ignored: To whom?
Chavie from Frostings and Co. created these adorable, fun, and eye-popping cakesicles that can be custom designed to fit any Purim theme
You can use the concept of brachos we show here or just use any pretty pattern or design.
Parents of lone soldiers open a window to their fears, prayers, and pride
Scraps of parchment and ink testify to the Rambam's towering impact
I was asked to figure out a packaging idea to fit a “Kol Yisrael areivim” theme to match the children who would be dressed up as a variety of Yidden
We praise Hashem for His unique ability to repair everything
Targeted by campus hate, Jewish students dig back to their roots
This idea is perfect for crafters. It’s a great way to use those scrapbooking papers that fill the aisles of your local craft store