Teen Feature
Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir of Brooklyn and their one-of-a-kind project — Daven 4 Me

By Miriam Rosen

A Healthier You
What tetanus is, what causes tetanus, and what you can do about it

By Chaya Rosen

We had a similar reception from another Bais Yaakov. Not outright rejection, but a cool response hinting to the fact that I was unwelcome

By Devorah Grant

Take 2
 I am a younger sister, so I get it. Older sisters are the best and the worst :)

By Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA

Teen Fiction
"It’s true Penina needs to work on the middah of emes. But that doesn’t mean you can speak this way. We all have what to work on”

By S. Scharf

Diary Serial
“If we have to start this song from the beginning one. more. time,” I mutter to Baylee

By Rena Wieder

“In fact, I don’t remember Mimi saying a single word to me in school”

By Rochel Samet

Follow Me
“If it’s us…” he said slowly. “Then…. then we have a problem. It shouldn’t be this way. We shouldn’t be this way, really not”

By Ruti Kepler

From My Table
I wanted to create a fruit dessert for the Shabbos before Tu B’Shevat that was easy and fruity and pretty.

By Chanie Nayman

There was no drama. It was simply time

By Esther Malky Neiman


By Estee Kafra

Can we escape the malaise of an unfruitful life?

By Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner

The Forum
An interview with Rabbi Zev Cohen of Chicago’s Special Beis Din dealing with issues of abuse

By Yonoson Rosenblum