Family First Feature
Through her husband’s battle for his life, composer Sarah Dukes sings of faith and courage

By Musia Slavin

The Struggle Is the Goal
We each have our own private quests, those goals we tried — or keep trying — to achieve. As we struggle and strive, the process becomes its own destination

By Goldy Schwartz

I did it. I made doughnuts and latkes and just like in the song, I served it at the Chanukah candles burning bright.

By Chany Spira

Tech Wire
This is for everyone who has an email list, big or small. (And if you don’t have an email list, do you really have a business?)

By Esther Kurtz

Some principles are universal. For your wife, buy jewelry. For rebbeim, give cash. For all other males age 13 and up I recommend my new best seller on the 2020 election, Where Are ...

By Shaina King

10 Questions
Ethan Addess is an air traffic control specialist at Miami Air Route Traffic Control Center in Miami, Florida

By Rachel Bachrach