Diary Serial
To all the Libbys of the world: thank you for inspiring me. Your journey has changed mine

By Rochel Samet

Movin on Up
Trust yourself more than any test you’ll ever take – you’re the world expert on YOU!

By Shaina Keren

Everyone has different personalities and middos, but there is a general stereotype about middle children

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Out of Step
It’s like she brought out the best in me, but I brought out the worst in her.

By Ariella Schiller

Take 2
I don’t understand why schools always choose the same girls for everything

By Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA

Sound Bites
Freeda Vitamins was started 92 years ago by a dedicated family with one goal: to make the world a healthier place, one person at a time

By Chaia Frishman

Magazine Feature
How British computer geek Eliot Higgins uncovered war crimes, exposed poisoning plots, and found himself in Russia's crosshairs

By Gedalia Guttentag

A Few Minutes With
Plasma pioneer Mordy Serle on health authorities' zigzag

By Omri Nahmias

Double Dance
“Being angry all the time takes a lot of effort, and it uses up so much of your energy, you don’t have much strength left for anything else”

By Bracha Rosman

Washington Wrap
Last week’s Democratic convention went completely virtual. How did that go for the Dems?

By Omri Nahmias

Family First Feature
Help your child overcome his anxiety when he’s still young, and you give him a gift for life

By Barbara Bensoussan