Magazine Feature
Teen Pages spoke to Kayla Goldstein, an interior designer from Monsey, NY to gain some fantastic room decorating tips

By Elky Pascal

Story Supplement
Just one candle is all it takes to brighten up our world. This Chanukah, light a candle and let the light spread wherever you are

By Mishpacha Contributors

“I love your family, I love your house. This is exactly what I hope to have when I get married and have a family myself”

By Leah Greenburg

Movin on Up
I’m pretty sure Bubby Rochel didn’t sit down with a career coach to decide if she would feel more satisfied working in her parents’ store

By Shaina Keren

Teen Fiction
Not that Raizy is the only queen in our class. There are others too; others who, shall we say, the teachers actually approve of

By Chana Cohen

Bricks and Ladders
“This whole thing you have going on, between your friends and Mommy and Abba and Hadas… You need to figure it out”

By Ariella Schiller

Washington Wrap
Trump and Xi cease fire, but how long will it hold?

By Omri Nahmias

Inside Israel
Israel and Hezbollah have weathered other tense periods in the past

By Eliezer Shulman

Inside Israel
Shaken by police decision, Bibi comes out fighting

By Eliezer Shulman

On Site
A stroll through an exhibit of ancient artifacts brings Torah stories to life

By Baila Rosenbaum

Win or Lose
“Oh no!” he thought to himself. “My rebbi asked me for the tallest Succah, and I answered him with the smallest succah. How embarrassing”

By Chaim Finkelstein

Story Time
The Arab brute breathed heavily through his thick black mustache. “In case you haven’t noticed, there isn’t anyone else inside this tavern except for us and you”

By Yehuda Bromberg