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Close to a century later, we're still singing the songs of a visionary scholar, builder, and leader.
On Site
Eli Cobin’s name isn't only synonymous with the camera lens. As summer fades into Succos, he becomes “Cobin of Cobin Lulavim”

By Ariella Schiller

Magazine Feature
A virtual tour of the Land of the Thunder Dragon with serial traveler Moshe Klein

By Sandy Eller

Magazine Feature
Regular, long-time leiners have a special relationship with every sedra of the year. Some trade secrets from veterans of the klaf

By Riki Goldstein

Reel Chronicles
The point would be, quite simply, to celebrate the value of our yungeleit

By Moshe Shindler

Their eyes met. In a single glance, his companion saw it all: the pain, the memories, the longing, the approaching end

By Noa Offek

Double Take
I could see why Leeba hadn’t been too hopeful about this half of Yom Tov being relaxing

By Rochel Samet

Second Thoughts
Faithful readers are rare, devoutly to be cherished

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Magazine Feature
Rav Meir Shapiro dreamed of an institution that would change the definition of what a yeshivah could and should be... A century later, the changes he instituted are alive and thri ...

By Dovi Safier

Pendulum: Succos Supplement 5784
The more we know about people, the more we know about the past. The more we know about the past, the better we are able to assess the present.

By Rabbi Berel Wein

Calligraphy: Succos 5784
He didn’t want to work with this woman. But with another payment to Serenity Palms Recovery due next week, he could hardly afford to be choosy

By Michal Marcus

Family First Feature
With devotion and awe, the Ishah HaShunamis hosted the Navi Elisha — and in return for her kindness, merited a twofold miracle

By Gitti Meirovitz

Pendulum: Succos Supplement 5784
He was a skilled diplomat of the highest order, but somehow Hasdai Ibn Shaprut found himself in the history books for his success as a weight loss coach

By Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz

Diary Serial
The deed was done. I had my new black flip phone, with my lobotomized iPhone sitting there next to it on the counter

By Aliza Feder