Magazine Feature
From the Rambam’s Peirush Hamishnayos to Chovos Halevavos, many of our classics were actually written in a foreign language — Arabic
By Rabbi Eliyahu Gut and Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Galinsky
Mourning Reb Uri Mandelbaum, legendary principal of the Philadelphia Yeshivah
Magazine Feature
Despite being sight and hearing impaired, Avichai Sheli achieved his teenage dream: coveted first place in the International Bible Contest — and that’s far from his only triumph
The Rose Report
“ underlying assumption that the West and especially the US are guilty of causing all suffering in the world”
The Rose Report
Israeli often mimics America’s worst notions, rather than its best
The Rose Report
A president may fire a Fed chairman for “cause,” but there is no precedent to fire one for doing too little, too late