Magazine Feature
Tech professional Yossie Strickman wants parents to know what their teens are up against

By Shmuel Botnick

Magazine Feature
Rabbi Joseph Freilich lived outreach before kiruv was a livelihood

By Riki Goldstein

The Beat
An accumulation of geo-political crumbs and scraps of social commentary — the detritus of a second messy pandemic year

By Gedalia Guttentag

10 Questions
Chaim Loeb is a certified personal trainer and a certified nutrition coach who is the founder and lead coach of Fit Yid Academy, an online health and fitness coaching program

By Rachel Bachrach

The Rose Report
America's new anti-Israel alliance takes shape

By Binyamin Rose

Metro & Beyond
As Omicron surges, monoclonals fall short

By Yochonon Donn

Washington Wrap
AIPAC's bold move into a partisan world

By Omri Nahmias

Washington Wrap
Will 2024 be a rerun between Trump and Biden?

By Omri Nahmias

 I hated that she was the only mother who panicked. “Come on,” I’d say. “There were still lots of people on the street!”

By Roizy Baum 

Second Thoughts
One can respect the intelligence of Israeli secularists without agreeing with their anti-religious views

By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman

Spirit and Sparks
Through overcoming the challenge of living in the dark, we bring Mashiach

By Baila Vorhand

Light Years Away
“You want to bring him back here to put away the ice cream? But he went to learn, Nechami!”

By Ruti Kepler

Diary Serial
“Here’s the story,” she says briskly. “We need you girls for choir”

By Rena Wieder

If you could press a button and redo one thing in your musical career, what would you change before hitting Play?

By Riki Goldstein