Washington Wrap
Daring US to cut funding, Palestinians attack at UN

By Omri Nahmias

Until every last single in Klal Yisrael is engaged

By Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg

Oneg Shabbos
“Every time your wife feels a headache coming on, tell her to take a candy, make a brachah with kavanah, and the pain will go away immediately”

By Yeruchem Yitzchak Landesman

I remember sitting at the Seder table with my husband, Yehoshua, that year and exclaiming, “I can’t believe it! Our first Pesach, and we’re all alone!”

By C. Saphir

Shared Space
“Listen Kivi, this will be whatever you make of it, it’s an opportunity and you have to decide whether to grab it”

By Dov Haller

Normal Like Me
“My children will not go to school. We don’t need school,” he kept saying. “The white man has nothing to teach us”

By Ruti Kepler

Point of View
A mother’s pride, a yellow star, and a new generation

By Rabbi Moshe Grylak zt"l

Will anyone learn from Sugarman’s mistake?

By Yonoson Rosenblum


By Rivky Kleiman

Inside Israel
Battle over draft law heats up as summer deadline approaches

By Eliezer Shulman

On Topic
A frum workplace would seem to offer a safe harbor from the stormy challenges of the secular job market. But smooth waters can hide treacherous currents

By Yael Schuster

As Jerusalem gears up for municipal elections at the end of the summer, Agudah MK Uri Maklev reflects on his own first foray into local politics

By Shimon Breitkopf and Shlomi Gil

A new study examines common myths about the chareidi sector while pinpointing areas of concern

By Maayan David

5 out of 10

By Dovid Bashevkin