Would Rochie be able to sleep tonight? What were her thoughts as she stood alone in her kitchen with my news buzzing in her brain?
Family Tempo
As the date of the bar mitzvah drew closer, everything seemed to be under control. (Don’t ever say that phrase out loud. Ever. I mean it)
Change of Heart
A tiny pause, like she wasn’t sure if she should believe me. “You understand why I’m asking. If there’s a medical issue, we need to know”
Turning Tides
What would Rivka want her bas mitzvah to look like, now that there could be none of the big ideas she’d dreamed about?
Magazine Feature
Some women do more than dress up for their sisters’ wedding day. They plan and finance the entire simchah, in the place of a parent who can’t
Magazine Feature
Given the vast amount of energy we invest into shidduchim, it’s no wonder singles and their parents tend to analyze, and overanalyze, every bit of information