Magazine Feature
Researcher Michoel Rotenfeld revived a forgotten manuscript of a lost world

By Barbara Bensoussan

The Current

By Shlomo Copperman

Magazine Feature
Dr. Marc Schiffman connects isolated patients with worried loved ones

By Baila Rosenbaum

Knesset Channel
Netanyahu fears he’ll be remembered as the leader who presided over the Jewish People’s worst massacre since the Holocaust

By Avi Blum, ESQ

The Rose Report
The Reaganites preparing for a Trump second term

By Binyamin Rose

The Explainer
Israel's draft law battle is as old as the State

By Kobi Bornstein

Metro & Beyond
 Toms River shul's day in court notches a zoning wars victory

By Yosef Herz

The Current
The looming rematch between President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump in the context of all the other such contests

By Tevi Troy

Family Reflections
In the case of being afraid of your kids going off the derech, this means that the frightened parent holds an unreasonable and unfounded panic about the child’s ability to face di ...

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

Works for Me
It depends on whether you have extra time, are willing to learn additional skills, and are ready to keep learning

By Shaina Keren

True Account
If our son was in the ER with a collapsed lung, how could vaping be safe?

By Yocheved Zerfman

Shul with a View
Even after the levayah, as the pair entered the car to return to the airport, Mendel remained glued to his phone

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman

If we are going to dream, let’s envision what frum donors — not others — can do

By Avi Schick

Double Take
“‘The Best Policy’ Double Take was a masterful description of what happens not only once in a while, but during every single seminary season”

By Mishpacha Readers