Jr. Fiction
Crushed cheesecakes lay scattered across the floor. She sank to her knees, tears streaming down her face

By Ariella Lowenstein

Jr. Fiction
The Shavuos project is going to be a disaster!

By Chaya Rosen

Jolly Solly
“Why did Eli’s Place send flowers?” he asked in surprise. Mrs. Morris shrugged. “It’s a long story, and I couldn’t quite understand it

By R. Atkins

Jr. Serial
Now she’s annoyed at me. I hadn’t shown her I cared in the slightest, and I don’t know how to go back on what’s been

By Rochel Samet

Story Time
A person must know that wherever they are, and no matter what is happening, the force behind it all is Hashem

By Y. Bromberg

Take 2
I’m having a really hard time forgiving her, and I’m too embarrassed to talk to her about the conversation I overheard

By Mindy Rosenthal M.S., BCBA/LBA

A Healthier You
Using the same joint to make the same, repetitive movement over and over again can cause an overuse injury

By Chaya Rosen

Teen Serial
“Why is that a bad thing, Zeesy? I’m allowed to change. I’m a growing person. I’m a teenager. The whole point is changing, right? We can’t stay kids forever"

By Ariella Schiller

Magazine Feature
Snir Gueta traded soccer stardom for Shabbos

By Gedalia Guttentag

From My Table
I think we finally cracked the code to the ubiquitous Lotus cookie! And everything tastes better dipped in a little caramel.

By Chanie Nayman

As Dovid Hamelech’s song continues to ignite our souls, what’s the niggun you’ve made your own?

By Riki Goldstein