Magazine Feature
Those “trees” are actually cell phone towers masquerading as pines, firs, elms, cypresses, and even palms and cacti. They’re found all over the world

By Malka Winner

Madame Chamberlaine
Benny would hold the end of the pacifier clip and whirl the pacifier quickly around a few times and then let go. Pow!

By Tzipie Wolner

Story Time
“Why do you all hurry by me?” Martin called with derision, pointing at the nervous Jews who ran past him. “Are you too afraid to defend your own Torah?

By Yehuda Bromberg

Win or Lose
"I have called you here today to read to you a letter written by the owner of this company, a man by the name of Mr. Irving Greenbaum”

By Chaim Finkelstein

Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
So, can it really be…? No! It seems I was wrong to suspect Shuki. I don’t want to risk suspecting Asher wrongly too

By Shifra Glick

Teen Fiction
For over an hour we sit and package hamantashen. Slip, fold, fold, apply sticker. Repeat. Slip, fold, fold, apply sticker. Repeat. It’s monotonous work, but so fulfilling

By Leah Berger

Bricks and Ladders
I had waltzed into Stonesworth, ignored every other girl in the grade, stabbed Hadas in the back, and immediately rose through the ranks of popularity

By Ariella Schiller

Family Tempo
What if I would need medical intervention in order to bear more children? What if I would never have another child?

By Elana Rothberg

The Gatekeeper's Daughter
She might always be that weird girl who has fallen from a distant star who doesn’t know half of the endless rules

By Esther Teichtal

Inside Israel
The Refusenik in the Knesset: Yuli Edelstein on Bibi’s diplomacy, Europe’s far right, and Israel’s elections

By Eliezer Shulman

Washington Wrap
Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke last week became the 15th Democrat to throw his hat into the ring

By Omri Nahmias

Cut ‘n Paste
"We’re part of the Chevra Kaddisha of Tzfat, and we’ve been waiting here an hour to find a minyan to bury an old lady"

By Barbara Bensoussan

Counter Point
The conversation continues...

By Mishpacha Readers