In Variations, I give readers different ways of preparing each dish — whether it’s by changing the ingredients or by changing the presentation. I hope my recipes inspire your cook ...

By Daniella Silver

A deliciously crunchy salmon recipe

By Daniella Silver

Double Dance
“I’m sorry,” her mother said. “There were so many times I wanted to tell you about Chaya, but I just couldn’t"

By Bracha Rosman

But when I looked into the backyard I saw a vision of green pastures filled with children playing with animals. That was the beginning of Sweet Dream Farm

By Elisheva Appel

Out of Step
She perches on her bed and looks at me. “Bella Rena…Naftoli has, uh, been asked to leave yeshivah for a little while”

By Ariella Schiller

The bell jangled and Laya straightened, then slumped back down when she saw who it was

By Bracha Stein

Family Reflections
Show your child true love. Say “no” with confidence

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

For veteran educator Rabbi Nachman Zakon, every parent is a teacher

By Refoel Pride