From My Table
Casual studies have shown that people like giving savory mishloach manos more than they like to give sweet. Here’s a super quick but flavor-packed dip recipe for you.

By Chanie Nayman

A Heaping Scoop
Do you tend to give out sweet or savory mishloach manos?

By FamilyTable Contributors

Not your typical mishloach manos bilkelach, these are truly delicious

By Faigy Grossman

Talk about a dip with a zing!

By Chavi Feldman

These deli bites are the perfect food for noshing on, be it Purim, Shabbos, or anytime!

By Faigy Grossman

Cooks Compete
It's the perfect synthesis of sweet and salty, with a crunchy exterior and puffy interior

By Family Table Readers

Let’s explore how second-cut brisket (the default) does against kolichel.

By Sina Mizrahi

Enjoy these child-friendly mishloach manos ideas

By Esther Ottensoser

In tribute to beloved mesivta rebbi Rabbi Yaakov Landau

By Nechemia Levy

Spirit and Sparks
Esther is the guide for the feminine rising in kedushah

By Baila Vorhand

The Moment
"Take that same energy, and that same enthusiasm, and use it for Torah"

By Mishpacha Staff

Jolly Solly
Mrs. Friedman was a bit surprised when the boys crashed through the front door and ran straight up to their room

By R. Atkins

Double Take
I'm willing to pay, why won't she let me shop?

By Rochel Samet

Building Dreams
I’d never seen the inside of a carpenter’s shop before — and this wasn’t just a carpenter’s shop. It was Papa’s shop!

By Malka Grunhaus