2.0 Feature
Risks and rewards of the industry
This Way That Way
For those who have a minhag to serve salami on Purim (because it’s hung), here are our team’s favorites uses for it!
By Family Table Contributors
Light Years Away
"It’s not my style. Everything is exactly the same here — 500 young couples, all alike, thrown together in cookie-cutter buildings"
We love our franks in blanks, our Purim treats and sweets, but of course, the ideal Purim menu includes a vegetable side dish.
Shul with a View
As he said the word “lunch,” it triggered my recollection of: “Let me see what I can do at lunchtime”
By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
Text Messages
What are we now, with people like Reb Yeruchom no longer here to keep our generation anchored in truth?