Family First Feature
After her husband was killed in Gaza, Hadas Loewenstern shares a message of strength

By Leah Gebber

Family First Feature
Fighting for Israel in a different uniform

By Lori Holzman Schwartz

Family First Inbox
“I think saying that’s ‘what worked for us back then’ is a recipe for disaster”

By Family First Readers

A Better You
Working memory has nothing to do with intelligence or effort. It’s merely a deficit of our executive functions

By Family First Contributors

War Diaries
“Thanks for not canceling when you saw my name… I’ve had little business lately”

By Rivka Streicher

Family Tempo
Gavi was homeless. Could we take him in?

By Esther Mandel

Secretly, the idea of baking sourdough started — whatchamacallit? — fermenting in my brain

By Esty Heller

She’s the level of nice that has always caused me to feel protective of her

By Yocheved Zerfman

Magazine Feature
When Rav Baruch Rosenblum shared his distress over his wife’s illness with Rav Aharon Leib Steinman, the Rosh Yeshivah had one eitzah for him: “Go out there and inspire others.”

By Shlomo Copperman

Socks are the least of your problems when you’re living in a tank and risking your life just by sticking your head out, believe me.

By Shoshana Friedman

She was a woman with everything except the one thing she really wanted: an attentive husband, in tune with her needs.

By Ariella Schiller

Magazine Feature
Has Yossi Cohen’s legacy — as the derring-do, swashbuckling master spy who’s credited with snatching the Iranian nuclear archives — been irreparably tarnished by the war’s massive ...

By Yaakov Plevinsky