A Better You
The question is, how does interacting with a horse help you heal? Science may have the answer — and it begins in your heart.

By Family First Contributors

Face to Face
We yearn for insightful guidance on matters of body and soul, but our intentions aren’t self-serving

By Mrs. Elana Moskowitz

Family First Serial
“Papa, right now Annie can’t help anyone. She’s got to take care of herself — and the baby she’s expecting.”

By Miriam Zakon

Family Reflections
Hearing the Word “No” Isn’t a Catastrophe

By Sarah Chana Radcliffe

I am thoroughly thankful and humbled by the Jerusalem outside my window.

By Yaffa Ganz

Family First Serial
It was easy to spout values like “chesed starts at home” when you didn’t have a distressed woman in the hospital begging you to come help her.

By Gila Arnold

Family First Inbox
All of us girls and women have dating coaches and respected, knowledgeable mechanchos we call when we need guidance during the dating process...Why is it that the boys have none o ...

By Family First Readers

“Kinderlach, when you’re on a mountain, never take the easy way down. Always make your way up.”

By Sarah Bloch

On your Mark
Librarian Michelle Margolis believes that everyone can love history...if they just know where to look.

By Rivki Silver

Being prepared and measuring your moments of attendance at said event means different things to different people, depending on gender, maturity, and flexibility

By Sarah Moses Spero

Magazine Feature
Two pilots marvel at the Divine plan that crossed their paths in the nick of time

By Yonatan Birnbaum

Knesset Channel
High Court President Esther Hayut aims for a bombshell Bibi ruling

By Avi Blum, ESQ

Don’t conflate Torah values with conservative Republican values

By Mishpacha Readers

Shul with a View
“I had reasons and never intended to hurt you”

By Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman