Family First Feature
How did that night of Yetzias Mitzrayim look, as the Jews sat in their homes, eating the Korban Pesach, and waiting for the promise of “chatzos halaylah” to be fulfilled?

By Gitti Meirovitz

Family First Feature
 In the reminiscences of Rav Chaim’s daughters and his long-time neighbor we see other facets: the husband, the father, the man who cared for every Jew

By Malka Schaps and Sarah Pardes

Family First Feature
Straight talk from influencers, observers, and social media users

By Family First Contributors

Family First Feature
Leaders reveal what they’ve learned from those they guide

By Adina Lover

Nine writers recount their search for chometz — and what they found

By Beth Perkel

The Search: Pesach 5782
Nine writers recount their search for chometz — and what they found

By Miriam Klein Adelman

The Search: Pesach 5782
Nine writers recount their search for chometz — and what they found

By Shoshana Greenspan

The Search: Pesach 5782
Nine writers recount their search for chometz — and what they found

By Rivki Silver

On Seder Night, we cross the bridge from Egypt to Shema

By Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Open Mic
The Jewish world has no regulatory body, no guidance, and no supervision when it comes to media

By Nachi Gordon

This recipe went viral during the pandemic, and I thought it would be perfect for Pesach if you substitute the rice for cauliflower!

By Naomi Nachman

He lifted us into a realm where we could be ourselves, free to think, free to feel, and free to hope.

By Yisroel Besser

Magazine Feature
Before London, Rav Chanoch Dov Padwa ztz"l spent 15 little-known years in Eretz Yisrael

By Riki Goldstein

Take a Stand
"Our starting point should be that we want to have guests; can we do it without our children losing out?"

By Mishpacha Contributors